Many athletes believe that good muscle recovery can only be achieved by taking the right amount of supplements that promise quick and visible results. There is no doubt that they help, but they are only a small part of the whole. If you follow the right advice, dietary supplements will seem like real allies. Very often nutrition and training are in the foreground and regeneration, which is known to be directly related to muscle growth, is hardly considered. Regeneration is one of
performance-determining factors.No matter how intense your workout, if your body doesn't have time to recover, it will be difficult to make progress.
Healing does not mean vegetating for three days. An interesting idea is to find ways to prepare the body for the workouts ahead. As? Follow the strategies...
1.Muscle Massage
Muscle massage performed by a sports massage therapist once a week or every 15 days can help speed recovery, feel and relieve muscle tension, and possibly prevent injury. The specialist will also show you the most effective regeneration methods that suit your physical characteristics and the type of sport you practice.
2. Swimming
Swimming, especially in salt water, cures sore muscles. When you swim, all the muscles in your body are activated without much effort.It takes about 20 minutes to stimulate relaxation of the arm, back and leg muscles. Avoid sudden movements.
3. Proper Nutrition
When muscle glycogen stores are low after exercise/competition, hormonal changes occur that increase the ability to absorb glucose and amino acids. For this purpose, it is recommended to consume proteins and carbohydrates immediately after training.Replenishing reserves helps the body recover, repair tissues and get stronger for the next workout. Include quality amino acid supplements in your daily diet; You can buy amino acids online.
Studies show that the right amount of protein for bodybuilders is about 30% of their caloric intake. For most bodybuilders, this equates to around 1.5-2g of protein per kg of bodyweight.Although proteins can be consumed at any time of the day, it is best to consume them before and after your workout. In this way they promote regeneration, strengthen the immune system and stimulate the growth of muscle mass. For those who want to increase strength, muscle mass and definition, low-carb diets are not the most suitable, since these macronutrients provide the body with the molecules necessary for glycogen synthesis, which improves the athlete's performance and stimulates insulin production.
4. Wear Compression Garments
Recent studies have shown that using compression garments during exercise can help reduce recovery time between workouts. The basic idea is to reduce the muscle vibrations that occur when the body hits the ground for more efficient muscle contraction. This compression effect helps to reduce the inflammatory process, reduce the size of the lesion and relieve muscle pain.
5.Sleep well
Sleep is the most effective way to regenerate physically and mentally. If you don't get enough, little or any sleep, you will depend on the intense training and recovery methods you use. Lack of sleep can impede muscle recovery and hopefully lead to adverse effects such as weight gain, weight loss, increased risk of chronic disease, decreased performance, increased cortisol, decreased testosterone and growth hormone, decreased protein synthesis, and factors that inhibit normal muscle growth. According to a University of Chicago study, when 10 people who slept 9 hours a day went to bed for 5 hours, testosterone levels dropped exponentially (14%) throughout the day. The number of hours of sleep varies from person to person and ranges from 7 to 9 hours, which is the time an adult normally needs.